Majors & Minors in Criminal Justice

Our curriculum is designed to provide you with the knowledge you need to understand the institutions of the criminal justice process — police, courts, corrections — and the administration of justice. You will acquire an understanding of the various components of the formal criminal justice process, endemic and emerging issues in criminal justice, and many of the incongruities in the justice system. Additionally, you will be taught how to assess some of the major controversial issues in policing, courts, corrections, and administration with a critical eye.

You will study criminology, victimology, political policy analysis, research methods, and other sociological tools used to measure and understand the etiology of crime, societies’ response to crime, and policy issues in the administration of justice. This curriculum will lead you to reevaluate your views of justice, the criminal justice system, and society in general.

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Criminal Justice Majors & Tracks

Requires at least 37 hours of coursework in the discipline.

Criminal Justice Minor

Requires at least 24 hours of coursework in the discipline.


Internships are required. 

The department’s internships are open to all its majors. With the state capital, several county seats, and many small towns within an hour drive of the campus, interns continue their studies at Campbell while working for one of a wide variety of public officials or governmental bodies including city managers, county commissioners, district attorneys, state senators, and more. Many students complete summer internship in places as a law office near their hometown, a state museum or historic site, or in the Washington office of a member of Congress.

For those wishing to spend a semester outside North Carolina, Campbell’s Washington-based American Studies Program offers four months in our nation’s capital. During that period interns take four seminar courses stressing various aspects of domestic and foreign policy and gain the first-hand experience of Government by working as an aide to a member of Congress, doing research in a think tank (e.g., Institute for International and Strategic Studies, Heritage Foundation), or serving in one of the agencies of the federal government.