Opportunities & Resources


  • Exercise Science Club
  • SIMPLE Health
  • Sport Business Club
  • Allied Health Majors Club
  • Student Majors Association of North Carolina Alliance for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
  • Student North Carolina Association of Educators


Professional Associations

Campbell University’s faculty encourage students to join professional associations and organizations that will assist in their professional growth and development.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
ACSM has more than 50,000 members and certified professionals strong from 90 countries around the globe. Representing 70 occupations within the sports medicine field, from academicians to students and from personal trainers to physicians, this association of sports medicine, exercise science, and health and fitness professionals is dedicated to helping people worldwide live longer, healthier lives. Visit the ACSM website at acsm.org.

The North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM)
NASSM is actively involved in supporting and assisting professionals working in the fields of sport, leisure and recreation. The purpose of the North American Society for Sport Management is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study, research, scholarly writing, and professional development in the area of sport management – both theoretical and applied aspects. Topics of interest to NASSM members include sport marketing, future directions in management, employment perspectives, management competencies, leadership, sport and the law, personnel management, facility management, organizational structures, fund raising, and conflict resolution. For more information about the NASSM organization visit their website at nassm.com.

SHAPE America (Society of Health and Physical Educators)

SHAPE America is the largest organization of professionals involved in physical education, physical activity, dance, school health and sport – all specialties related to achieving an active, healthy lifestyle. Its mission is to advance professional practice and promote research related to health and physical education, physical activity, dance and sport by providing its members with a comprehensive and coordinated array of resources, support and programs to help practitioners improve their skills to further the health and well-being of the American public. To learn more about SHAPE America, go to shapeamerica.org.

Internships and Practical Experiences

Internships and practical experience courses are available to all of our students so that they may gain real-world experiences or pursue service learning opportunities if they wish. Some of our majors require internships or shorter duration practical experiences. For example, Sport Management majors are required to complete a 6 credit hour internship (EXER 494) in the sport industry, which create excellent career connections and hands-on learning experiences. Kinesiology Majors must complete a 3 credit hour practicum (EXER 492), which allows them to gain a greater insight into the practical side of their area of interest, whether it is in an academic area or a health profession. Sport coaching practicums (EXER 492) are the capstone of the major and provide students with the opportunity to practice the skills learned in the classroom. A 1 credit field experience (EXER 391) consisting of 40 contact hours in a hands-on learning environment is available to all majors so that they may explore their chosen field earlier in their college career.

Opportunities for Advanced Study

EXER 490 Directed Study presents advanced students to pursue unique interests or design their own course. Advanced students may also choose to conduct a research project (EXER 496) under the direction of an experienced researcher or investigate a clinical issue (EXER 498) and participate in its treatment/rehabilitation under the direction of an experienced clinical professional.